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Crooked Path
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Nikki last won the day on August 20 2023

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Northeast, U.S.A.
  • Interests
    Right now, Craft is all I think about... beach, music, gardening, cooking, astrology, writing
  • How familiar are you with witchcraft?
    Waaay more than I thought I was.
  • Have you explored other paths?
    Yes -- Christianity, being born into it but never belonged to it.
    I've encountered some New Age people, Shamans and alike.
    I have a profound respect for Healers.
  • Have you ever worked with Traditional Witchcraft?
    No, I have not. But I am drawn here.
  • What does Traditional Witchcraft mean to you?
    Great question. It means no fluff, no padding. Perhaps I'm drawn to it because it's old, tried and true. I have the freedom to explore Trad and practice as I see fit.
  • How long have you worked with witchcraft in general?
    The more I learn about Witchcraft, the more I realize that I've been doing this my entire life.
  • What brought you to our site?
    Looking at different types of Witchcraft, just being drawn to this... compelled, actually.
  • What do you expect to get from this site, and what do you expect to contribute to this forum?
    I hope to learn more about Traditional Witchcraft and to broaden my path.
    To share my experiences, questions, insights and maybe some humor, too.
  • Do you belong to any other online witchcraft sites?
    No, I do not.
  • What are your strongest points in witchcraft?
    Spirits. Spirits. Spirits. Did I mention spirits?
    I have very strong visualization skills that manifest well.
    I have a way of 'knowing' without former knowledge or advanced training
    (which only validates what I know)
    I've got good instincts when it comes to Crafting.
    I love, love, love my spells.
    I can drag a secret to my grave.
  • What are your weakest points in witchcraft?
    Tarot... I just don't feel it. I've had some great readings, so I know Tarot works quite well in capable hands.
  • Additional Information.
    I enjoy a friendly exchange of experience and ideas with open-minded people who have manners and genuine curiosity and love of the Craft.

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  1. Well, since it's well past July... I must say I did not enjoy this series. Although the rare parts that featured Santa Muerte were good, this wasn't anywhere as witchy as the original Penny Dreadful. In general the characters failed to move me. Natalie Dorman's acting as she portrayed several different roles left me feeling so-so overall. I was disappointed.
  2. Hello Everyone :) So, tonight we are getting another Penny Dreadful: City of Angels. Showtime Series Premiere: Sunday, March 26, 2020 at 10 P.M. ET/PT Set 50 years after the first Penny Dreadful, this supernatural 10 part spin-off series created and written by John Logan. "1938 Los Angeles is a time and place deeply infused with social and political tension. When a grisly murder shocks the city, Detective Tiago Vega and his partner Lewis Michener become embroiled in an epic story that reflects the rich history of Los Angeles: from the building of the city's first freeways and its deep traditions of Mexican-American folklore, to the dangerous espionage actions of the Third Reich and the rise of radio evangelism. Before long, Tiago and his family are grappling with powerful forces that threaten to tear them apart." The characters are connected in conflict to the deity, Santa Muete, while others are allied with the Devil. Cultural divides and political ambitions seem to the tinder that Chaos ignites. From what I can see, it seems to focus on pulp religion rather than pulp fiction. I can only hope ‘City of Angels’ doesn’t make light of rich cultural folklore and traditional practices. Staring: Natalei Dormer, Lorena Izzo, Rory Kinner, Nathan Lane, Amy Madigan, Daniel Zorvotto. Adriana Barraza, Kerry Bisho, Piper Perabo (Coyote Ugly) and too many other actors to list - which concerns me. There may be too much going for a cohesive narrative to emerge in 10 episodes. ​Personally, I enjoy Natalie Dormer on screen. It will be interesting to see how City of Angels play out.
  3. Yay on the locked thread !!!

  4. Hey Everyone, feels great to be back. Looking forward to reading new posts and 'meeting' some new people

    1. TobaccoFlower
    2. Anubha


      Hi, Nikki! I've enjoyed reading your posts :) Glad you're back.

  5. Curious.... did you think your death spell would work overnight? 2 days isn't much time to destroy a human life / body. I've been 'taught' that whatever you do to a poppit, you do to yourself. So, the DEAD magnet on your arm means something very different to me.
  6. This is such an interesting subject to me. I do ZERO cards, divination and such. I really don't see the point of it. Since the future isn't set in stone, there are too many variables that ripple and shift outcomes. It seems like a fool's errand to me. If I get a 'message' or vision of a future event, I pay attention. Don't go looking for it, though. I do like what NorthernPilgrim said about 'blind spots' -- that's something you can work with now. Madame, you ask some deep ass questions. Questions I've pondered about my craft, too. Sometimes it's ancestors, sometimes it's Spirit, sometimes it's a guardian, sometimes it's me, sometimes it's luck. The challenge for me was learning how to differentiate between ancestors, Spirit, guardians, my own ability, or dumb luck... Cuz I get pings from all angles.
  7. Did I know I'd call myself a witch? HELL NO !!! I seriously thought witchcraft was just silly, hocus-pocus nonsense. Halloween costume stuff. I KNEW I was different by age 4. As I grew, so did my abilities. I came to witchcraft very late in my life --- and it was then I realized, I had always been a witch.... and had done witchcraft without 'knowing' it WAS indeed witchcraft. Who wudda thunk it? I sure as hell didn't see that coming.
  8. ^^ Nice. I just had this exact conversation with another witch tonight. I think a Witch's power comes from with in. When she/he can also open up to receive outside power ( like a conduit) and is able direct that current towards a target / goal, that's pretty cool, too. And, as Witches don't we 'empower' objects all the time? When we aren't blowing them up, that is :)
  9. YO !!! So hoping to have more free time for TW... miss y'all.

  10. I've found that very small spray bottle containing equal parts rubbing alcohol and water is good for quickly sanitizing anything, anywhere... it works nicely on hair, fur, skin, and feathers, too. I stow the tiny spray bottle in some ziplocks in the glove box of my car for those impromptu nature finds.
  11. It's nice to know you aren't alone when others experience similar annual shifts !!! The Seasons each have their own unique energy.... and it's interesting how their energy influences the practitioner. Powerful stuff !!! (I don't experience the typical yearly pattern, never have... and I don't believe that the Veil is the thinnest in October... but that's OK. ) Recognizing your own 'stirrings' in relation to the yearly cycle can be very useful when honored and harnessed purposefully.
  12. Lots of things brewing, stewing and accruing. Completed an outdoor altar that I'm rather fond of. Added some tiny, cool-finds to my Witchy Travel Kit. Thrilled.
  13. Kalinia, The best I can offer you at this point is something along these lines: When 'something' will not leave you alone, and it increases in intensity over time, a message is trying to get through to you. When a soft whisper becomes a shout that turns into a deafening scream -- it's time to listen. Really listen.
  14. MW's meme is Hysterical; AW's explanation accurately covers many different bases; Nera, YUP! Christine (whose economy of language is superb) says a mouthful !!! One of the quotes that has helped me most: "What you resist, persists." Depending on the seriousness at hand, the overall risks of willful disregard increases with time. Possible consequences vary in range but don't discount severe impacts like: disease, great personal loss, complete ruin or death.
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