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  2. @Tana and I have been working hard in the background, to try and preserve as much as we can, without the forum software it won't be quite the same, nevertheless, we won't lose everything. We are hoping at some point in the future to have another site set up. Something on a smaller scale, something better suited for the number of members we have and a bit more manageable, financially and energy wise. In the meantime, I have created a Facebook group for our members to stay in touch and continue sharing. www.facebook.com/groups/937545221172363/ If you're not interested in Facebook but would still like to be kept up to date with any future site, please message me with your email address and I'll add you to a mailing list when we have something.
  3. Hello Crew, I will really miss you. I came to this community at a really difficult time in my life and coming out the other side more now, I look back and see what a huge comfort and support it has been just knowing you were all here. Thanks for all the mentoring and discussion.

    But thats just a personal perspective. There won't ever be another source of knowledge like this.

    My instagram is marcsamuelsmith but please add in the next couple of weeks as I'm currently looking towards a deactivation period, but I will be back there in future. I'm on discord as molyforest. Of course let me know if you would like to stay in touch by email.

    Wish you all the best on your paths and in life. May you be surrounded with fairies whispering secret knowledge into your dreams. Lots of love. ♡

  4. Traditional Witch was started in 2006 by Sandy and Brian. It was created for Traditionals, practising the Old Craft before Wicca or on a different Traditional path, embracing working with a variety of energies. The front page made clear that anyone looking for "New Age" Wiccan/Gardnerian 'Traditional' Witchcraft would not fit in. Over the next 24 years the site has run forums, blogs, chat areas, clubs, gallery and a download area. Members posted and discussed wide varieties of topics and even if at times there was hot debate, we strived to foster a respect for each other as kindred spirits on the Crooked Path. After Brian sadly passed away we have kept running this site and forum, but have to be honest and say that our hearts are full of sadness at his loss; to continue has been a real challenge. In addition the costs to keep going are difficult in these times. After a great deal of agonising, we have taken the decision to close down this website on May 1st. It is the right thing to do and it is the right time. We are giving this advance notice so that members may delete their content, take any downloads and make connections with any friends that want to continue to keep in touch. The running of the site was a labour of love for many moderators and admins over the years, the initial majority of work was covered by Sandy and Brian, and over the last 10 years or so, two of our amazing moderators, Sara and Matthew, kept the site running smoothly. The vision, energy and financial commitment of all who contributed to the success of this website has been phenomenal. Our members have shared their wisdom, their humour and their craft skills to the benefit of everyone. Thank you to all.
  5. i rewatch this film almost every week and i think it's fantastic. i have watched it this many times because it comforts me, but every time i watch it i think of something else about my practice or witchcraft. the weakest moment in this film is the very first scene when they are chanting and that says a lot because it is such a minor scene. the most important basic factual thing about this film regardless of integrity to tradition is that it is a mainstream film for witches. its not for Wiccans or anti-christians / satanists, and its not for romcom hunters. its literally for witches.
  6. I had a dream a while back about escaping some situation related to my wandering project. In the dream I used a bell to activate / finalise an invisibility spell. I realise I know nothing about the bell tool and need to research. also decided i needed to acquire a bell. The bell in the dream was a small brass bell with a turned wooden handle. i went hunting and found one exactly like it, but it sold before i took action. this was my second choice and i think it was a better outcome than the first choice.


  7. The cold water valve under the sink broke while we were away for the weekend some years ago. Hell of a mess to come home to...
  8. I went to Mum's yesterday, she gave me a book called "Flix and Flox" that belonged to my grandmother, it's a novel for children published in London in 1910. It's set in Cornwall, most of my ancestors are from that place and nearby southern England places. The first chapter is called "Fairyland". There is only has one illustration on the front cover but Mum said the book was important to her and it inspired her to enjoy drawing / illustrations. I told Mum that I had dreamed about her recently sending me poems and drawings. Mum said that she was always a bit of a witch and that she said that "I'll be around if I can. If you think I'm around, then I'm around".

    She crossed over when I was 10. I have always missed her but I felt closer to her in recent years as I have worked on preserving her very large family photo collection. I felt like I really got to know her a lot better through her collection. When I was in the middle of the most intense work I've done on it, I had a dream about her. I was a child and I was in the master bedroom at her house. My aunt was there and she said "She's just having a cigarette in the ensuite but she wants you to go into her wardrobe". (It is the kind of thing that I would have loved to do as a child) (I wasn't allowed to see my grandmother in the dream, but I could feel that she was there) I went into the wardrobe and I was surrounded by hanging furs. They weren't soft fluffy animal fur, they were the kind that is coarse and sleek, the feeling of them was smooth and cool. There was an intense perfume of roses. I felt completely loving acceptance

    My life is OK. I am coming to the end of my wandering-wizard-initiation-quest or whatever this is that I have been doing. The quest has been great but I am happy that I am coming to the end of it now. i think of you all lots, Solanaceae, homeschoolie, Phagos, and everyone and happy you are on this planet, hope you are well

  9. My mom left eggs to boil on the stove and forgot about them until they exploded. Pretty funny, although not for her I guess lol
  10. Me too!!! My mom did it when we were kids as well— the carcass of the Thanksgiving turkey would be used to make stock, and the remaining meat would make turkey tetrazzini, turkey stroganoff, turkey pot pie, you name it!
  11. This Moon continues the trend of "condensed charts" we have been seeing for a few months (and that will continue through July). Taking only the Sun and the "big 9" into account (and excluding the Moon), the (geocentric) charts have been in what Marc Edmund Jones referred to as the "bundle" or "wedge" pattern. This pattern indicates deep focus in one particular area or adjacent areas of life. It's a pattern of intense focus. And we've been experiencing that, haven't we? What areas of life have been affected depend on what your own natal chart is like. Jones also was, incidentally, the "the founding chancellor of the Sabian Assembly." The Sabian Symbols are among the most well known of the "symbols" astrology systems, which apply channeled imagery and derived meanings to each of the 360 degrees of the zodiac. There are others, and the one I am most familiar with (though yet still only acquainted with) is from Ellias Lonsdale (the "Star Destiny" symbols). These Symbols are quite different from how we use Astrology in other capacities: there isn't much to learn intellectually and then apply, as you can easily reference the books or lists. Rather, they offer insights that activate our soul-awareness, not so much the mind. It's some of the most "right-brained" Western astrology around, which I really appreciate as a counterpart to some of the more technical advanced methods. It's just one more way that we can use the Oracle of Western Astrology to receive insight. And, it is an Oracle given to us by Most High. Every technique and school and branch of Astrology has a function and something to share with us. As a note on chart patterns, Michael Erlewine is known for discussing chart patterns of the *heliocentric* charts. These change much more quickly because Mercury moves much faster, and both Mercury and Venus can be anywhere on the chart in relation to the Sun (in geocentric charts, they are never more than about 47 degrees away for Venus, 28 for Mercury). At this moment, despite this, we are in a heliocentric bundle *as well!* So, in the "actual" model of our Solar System, all of the Planets we recognize up until Pluto are condensed in 1/3 of the chart... *except for Earth!* So actually, it's a Bucket, not a bundle. We are all alone, on one side of the Earth, facing all of the others on the other side. What this means practically is that while we have been "focusing in" for the past few months, this month or so we will *really* be focusing in, on both the Earthly perspective (mundane, physical, embodied) and the Solar perspective (spiritual, soul, higher consciousness). Because Earth is in opposition to the other planets, we're poised to have a really wide view and vision of what is going on: we are focusing in, but are able to remain detached from what we are focusing on as well. I don't usually put *too much* emphasis on a heliocentric chart for a lunation (New or Full Moon) chart, because the Moon is irrelevant heliocentrically (being that it is attached to the Earth, and so is just read as a part of where Earth is). In other words, our Moon is a Geocentric, or Earth-based phenomenon. That said, notable Heliocentric phenomenon happening during a Lunation *will* have an effect on the energy of the moment, and *will* infuse itself into the "seed of the cycle." Some astrologers have argued that you "can't" mix Geocentric and Heliocentric information on the same chart, but having read T. Patrick Davis's book Interpreting Geo-Helio Planets, I have learned that it is entirely possible and can indicate things you would not see using Geocentric only In our case this month, we have a heliocentric conjunction between Mars and Jupiter happening at 22 Taurus, in sextile (representing *opportunity*) to where the New Moon is at 20 Pisces. The conjunction itself represents an *expansion of the energy that brings radical change.* Let's take a look at the symbols for this degree, shall we? By the way, in Symbols, we round up to the next integer. So, if it's 22 degrees of Taurus, it is actually 23, because mathematically we have started at 0, but Symbols start at 1. So, Cardinal numbers become Ordinal. The 23rd degree (23 being the I Ching hexagram that represents a change that makes the current situation obsolete) is, in Sabian Symbols, "a jewelry shop filled with the most magnificent jewels." And Jbuss summarizes Lonsdale's few pages on "a salamander glowing red orange" as "Overpowering Need to Express the Flame of Kundalini, with a Corollary Temptation for the Ego to Overinflate as one Confuses Self with Planet. Dealing with This Energy Is Critical to Our Future." Ah, the Kundalini! And the Gems! What an amazing common thread. The crystals being such a condensed, pure expression of the essential creative energy of the Earth, that vital force that transforms everything, and yet, so much a part of Earth. We can remove the jewels from the Earth and polish them up, but they are only beautiful because of the equally-as-important dirt that doesn't shine. Jewelry can inflate the ego, or it can accentuate and glorify humility. But the jewel must shine either way... it *must! Lonsdale's writing really emphasizes the energy behind this force: "an overwhelming sensation coming through every pore...tempted...by the theme of becoming self-important...without discernment...and...the wellspring of deeper wisdom...it is crucial to learn the lesson that the Spirit flame is...a force from beyond that we must express through us...whatever needs to happen so that the fire in Earth's belly becomes alive." Well, that's pretty intense. And with the energy of *expanded radical change* being there in *opportunity aspect* to the Moon from the Heliocentric realm, our Collective Solar Spirit, it points to that this month is going to shake us up in a way that supports Earth energy rising up uncontrollably through our huper/humon/human/hu-womb-man creative expressions, forcing us to continue moving forward in this dance of evolution and better and betterment we have gotten ourselves into. Meanwhile, we must remember that we are all serving each other, all a part of something so much bigger than us, like hairs on a body, grass blades on the ground, bubbles on a pot of soup (whoops, I'm thinking about dinner). This energy is going to lead us into the eclipse that's coming in two weeks (and there's another one following it). Eclipses always bring change, because they take us into different timelines, literally: each one is connected with a certain Saros Cycle, which show up non-consecutively, so the last time this Cycle appeared could have been many years ago. This is how we enter Draconic astrology, but that's another matter for another time. I am hoping to be able to write on the upcoming eclipses, but with the changes that are happening for me, involving moving to a different country and to an as-yet-unknown-to-me situation, who knows? And so, yes, this Moon can be looked at more traditionally, with the heavy Pisces influence, and what that means, but I thought I'd share with you a more experimental, intuitive, and eclectic way of reading that is possible. It may not predict specific serious individual events for someone, but it does provide esoteric insight that may support you on your journey.
  12. "Perhaps the heart is the essence of our spiritual being.". Yes, I sense/feel all people are literally connected through the heart. I had a major Kundalini experience where the Kundalini shot up my spine and out the top of the head one time, no big deal; but when it coursed out from my heart region I felt connected to all heart(s) in the vicinity. It was definitely love (unity) but on the Soul level it was more like chaos in hell between people at the that level compared to the more superficial level of the mundane world. It was much more peaceful when I first first experienced it 30 years ago. Feeling from the heart can be compared to a hand-shake: the vibrations say so much more than the intellect alone: I find the two go together. I feel this experience of the collective human soul is the source of my intuition. Connecting via the heart is like approaching the other with open hands: each sees the other.
  13. it depends on your personal preferences, beliefs, and experiences. If you feel comfortable and confident in your ability to focus and connect with your intentions despite having consumed some alcohol, then it's okay to proceed with your spell. However, if you feel that the alcohol may hinder your concentration or alter your energy in a way that doesn't align with your intentions, it might be best to wait until you're sober.
  14. If they're in your dreams, it seems like a connection is being made. Hopefully, the destruction is just your fears popping up and not a sign of things to come.
  15. over the past couple of weeks i dreamed separately about each of them being destroyed in different ways..i didn't enjoy that at all but satisfied that they're in the dream world ig
  16. Spider whispers to the pig hiding behind a mushroom, "Wilbur, I don't think we're in Montana anymore..."
  17. Years ago I was pretty bad about leaving the stove unattended and going off and doing other things, resulting in a smoke filled house, fire detectors blaring and having to open all the windows. Eventually I did learn my lesson though. Once I was supposed to bake for a school event and only realized too late I had no sugar.
  18. nothing too extreme here, i usually follow a recipe carefully so its difficult to go wrong. but in december i tried to cook some gluten free biscuits for my aunt but i didn't follow the recipe properly and the outcome was a tray of burnt slop. i didn't know that was possible, that something closer to liquid than solid could be scorched like that. not a successful product
  19. Fun glowing mushrooms in the Scary Face Cave...
  20. We've all had them. What was your worst kitchen disaster? I burned hard boiled eggs when I was pregnant. It was bad. My dad used to tell the story about when he and some coworkers rented a place together. Cooking duties rotated, and anyone that complained had to finish out the current cook's rotation, plus do his own. One evening the cook made some biscuits. One of the other fellas blurted out, "Burned on the bottom! Burned on the top! Just the way I like them!" Complaint, or compliment?
  21. nothing changed, still buried under huge expectations and an endless to-do list, and the generalised fear of losing employment / being homeless / finding myself back at the mercy of abusive people. still plodding along intermittently on my witchcraft journey, just difficult to find the energy to progress anything outside of all those other things that aren't really important to me
  22. I just left it there. I used to make little objects like that when I was a kid...
  23. Magickal item made by a bored, very young, apprentice witch.
  24. I used to cause poltergeist activity when I was upset. I had a stalker some years ago, which kept me on edge. I was also an assistant manager for a busy Cinnabon bakery staffed by teenagers. One cashier in particular, often needed a transaction voided. Her nasal voice didn't help. I remember a couple of Saturdays when she needed one too many voids. The next time she grabbed a cup from the dispenser, she got attacked by the cups. Someone that got on my nerves even more, had a rolling pin fly off the shelf and at their head.
  25. Saw this in a remote corner of a parking area at the Columbia Mountain trailhead. Magickal item, or something made by a bored little kid...?
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