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Kupala last won the day on July 18 2023

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About Kupala

  • Birthday May 6


  • Gender
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  • Interests
    divination, esoterica, folklore&fairy tales, writing, knitting
  • How familiar are you with witchcraft?
    Pretty familiar
  • Have you explored other paths?
    I'm currently an animist spirit worker (meaning I work with land spirits and other spirits). I also practice sex magick. I am a student of all things occult. My passion is divination. I throw the cards, the runes, the Lenormand, and use oracles.
  • Have you ever worked with Traditional Witchcraft?
    Not before 2011.
  • What does Traditional Witchcraft mean to you?
    ancestral spirits, working within. Working with the spirits of the Land, feeling the energy of the Land, being able to feel the energy change with the seasons.
  • How long have you worked with witchcraft in general?
    Um... I would say since before my eldest son was born, so definitely almost 15 years.
  • What brought you to our site?
    Googling for reviews of Raven Grimassi's book "Old World Witchcraft", and the more I read about Trad Witchcraft, the more it makes sense to me.
  • What do you expect to get from this site, and what do you expect to contribute to this forum?
    Thoughtful, intelligent conversation and ideas.
  • Do you belong to any other online witchcraft sites?
    I currently also belong to the forum Become A Living God (It's a huge mix of paths, mostly LHP)
  • What are your strongest points in witchcraft?
    reaching an altered state, visualization, psychic development, divination (pendulum & tarot).
  • What are your weakest points in witchcraft?
    I'm not comfortable sharing *that*!

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  1. It all went sour in the end, but I now have their blood so I guess it worked out best... for me, that is.
  2. Bump. No theory. Just practice. Should you curse someone who doesn't deserve it? No. But if you overthink it too much, you'll think yourself right out of your magick. curse: I cursed my boss by making others find out all his secrets, everyone at work now knows every evil thing he's done. To do this I worked with a demon. Not the first, and certainly not the last. I prefer to do bindings, but sometimes you just gotta sell a bad b!sh in a box to the cemetery spirits, or name a mouse after another bish as a stand in, and give her soul to the ravens at the crossroads.
  3. That's so sad 😞 RIP.
  4. I now have a black kitten. His name is Binx :) I got him for free from a coworker who charged everyone else $50. I also got a free carrier and a free scratching post from the coworker, lol.
  5. I have Gordon Winterfield's book, Demons of Magick, but haven't yet used the rituals. I also have some Gallery of Magick books and have gotten pretty good results calling up angels & demons at once. It's an interesting journey. If you like, PM me and I'll give you the link to a forum where it's all demon talk all the time.
  6. I have two other people right now because I can't carry the energy on my own, it is too draining. I guess if I need to I can make a servitor, but the guy I asked has already pledged himself: he said he'd do it in blood if that was what I wanted. The other person I have now is a witch. Unfortunately, employees are only protected within the warded area, when they're at work basically. It's worked these past six? months(!).
  7. Fairbanks, Alaska lol. A lot of heathens, Wiccans, and "play-gans" up here. I have one friend who is a bit tradwitch a bit shamanistic, a pagan & heathen friend who aren't fluffy, and yeah... sometimes Wiccans but not the kind i can't stand. then there's me. My best pagan friend said she was "a little bit" afraid of the magic I do. Oh well 🤷🏻‍♀️ If anyone ever comes on a cruise or a tour, hit me up!
  8. @GhostAndTheWolfe I actually wondered if I should take the whole thing down and make a new one, because I have two new people on board to replace the others, but we decided they would link up with the main charm.
  9. I'm wondering how I'd go about destroying a charm that is imbued with someone else's energy. See, I placed a ward on my workplace against the virus, and I had three other people besides me carrying charms to assist with the energy. Two of those people turned out to be terrible choices, basically betraying my trust and wasting my time, but they were my only options at the time (I thought). Anyway, I've gotten one of the charms back. The charms are made of charcoal and dragon's blood ink, bindrunes painted on paper. The main ward is made with similar components, but also has another ingredient: my own blood. When the virus is over, I plan to bury them on my property. (If anything happens to me, a person I trust is under strict oath to do the same) What should I do with this person's charm? Does anyone have experience with something like this? I was thinking maybe burying it in salt for thirty days and then, I don't know. Help please?
  10. Once I found out the Viking might be leaving, I knew I would have to find someone new to carry the charm. Naturally, this stressed me out. However, it being solstice weekend, and with things going all too well on other fronts (such as my love life, which turned out to be a handful of mashed up dead leaves aka faerie gold 😕), I whispered my need to the spirit of the store and knew it would be taken care of. (The masks are great for things like this, ya know?) For the sake of privacy, we'll go with the names I created for the people helping me carry the energy of the ward = The Warrior, The Viking, BB Witch, and now The Guardian of Produce, who I'll call GP, for the sake of brevity. Oh snap. Not two hours later, one of my friends pulled me aside. "He said he put a love spell on me, that was the day I met Boyfriend! He just confessed he practices magick... I think GP is the one to carry Viking's charm! You should ask him..." Skip ahead. I made GP a new charm, from dragon's blood ink and charcoal. The first tip off was when he got really excited, wanting to know every way he could help. I told him who the other people were, and walked him around the store to know the locations of the charms for the ward. He said he would connect with the Viking and find out the deets on the center charm. That night, I was awoken twice to hear his true name in my head. The first thought in my brain? Oh what? It isn't a fluke? -- Previously to this, I had only energetically connected to the Warrior in a similar manner. The Warrior is the only one who doesn't want to be involved beyond lending his energy, and that's valid, so I never mentioned it to him. Over the course of conversation with GP last night, I realized why I never connected with Viking and BB Witch, and why their connections seem so "dead". It's because they not only lied about wanting to be involved, but they also don't believe in the ward, and are just playing around with things they don't understand. They were placeholders, until their charms could be passed on to people who weren't ready yet. My spirits confirmed that BB Witch is a liar, and GP's conversation with Viking came out, proving that the Viking simply does not care and just pays lip service (and is a bit afraid of me, which is sad). Nevertheless, even with their lack of connection, the ward has held. No one at the store has gotten the virus. For a shop right next to the airport, where everyone from the Lower 48 comes (they don't enforce quarantine here, and customers hardly wear masks), that's pretty amazing. As for what to do with BB Witch and the Viking's charms, GP suggested my friend(BB Bat) take BB Witch's. She knows about the ward and has started her Path recently. He's also in love with her which may or may not have influenced his suggestion, so I asked my ancestors and they said "she must be ready. It must happen soon." They also suggested someone else to carry the Viking's charm, but as for that one... I don't know. I ask him for protection when I have to check on the ward, through our shared psychic connection, but we hardly ever speak to one another. Yet he hears me, for on those days he always is around me, as though by his presence he is protecting me from unseen dangers (that's his mundane job, to top it off, lol). Where to go from here? Well, who can say? All I know is that this is the reason I was meant to stay at the store, and that since leaving my ex the unseen has come to my aid more times than I can count. And I have paid it back, by becoming the witch I was always supposed to be. Somewhere in the past, time loops. The me that came before, she did a ward like this one. But I don't think she had enough help. I think she died, trying to hold back the dark all alone.
  11. I feel similarly to you, Caps, with the feeling like things were leading to this point. Especially with the things that are going on right now with the pandemic, and the work I've been doing. I've made unexpected contacts with shamans and animists and found a lot more people who seem to be on the same current as me. People don't really look to me for magical help, but for emotional support, and as a leader in my workplace, even though that's nothing I sought out (I prefer to be more low key). I just feel very pushed to do more magic... good thing I left my ex lol.
  12. I mentioned a bit of this elsewhere, but I did a protective ward with bindrune charms for my fellow essential workers (grocery store), working with the genus loci of the store (it lives in the heart, which is the produce department, lol). It all came together pretty well, including the spirit finding the only other actual witch in the building, whose help I needed to hide some of the protective charms. So now I have an ally as well My only worry is that I bound the ward with my own blood, and I plan to leave the company after the pandemic is over. Of course I'll be taking them down, but... As for me and my children, I'm going to make decoy dolls so that they'll take the hit for us. Either that, or a witch bottle. I've just been so exhausted lately, from overwork and my energy being depleted from making the charms. I can't believe it's only been 4 days since I did it. It feels like... I don't know.
  13. Well, I'm happy to report that the working, well, *worked* (what else could I expect? Lol)! The spirit of the place is *very* pleased with me. I did a huge working to protect the lifeblood of the community from the virus, which is the employees at my workplace.
  14. We will miss him. You wrote a beautiful eulogy for him. Be well.
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