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Crooked Path
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Gramayr last won the day on July 4 2011

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About Gramayr

  • Birthday 12/30/1972


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  • Interests
    Collecting and using straight razors (cut throats), photography and occasionally birdwatching.)
  • How familiar are you with witchcraft?
    I'm quite familiar with witchcraft after reading my parents 'Man Myth and Magic' encyclopaedias at a young age then reading various books whilst at school. My first girlfriend practised witchcraft and was surprised when I wasn't shocked. I've met witches since then from different backgrounds including Romany and wiccan.
  • Have you explored other paths?
    I've never believed in gods so religion on a whole has never appealed to me. I come from a non-religious family anyway (both myself and my sister were never christened). I joined a couple of what I thought were witch related forums (turned out they were wiccan) purely out of interest and self discovery but I never felt at ease as they went against my personal beliefs. Also I can't stand all the blessed be, merry meet etc. I just can't see myself saying it, it's not natural.
    many years ago whilst looking through the occult section of a small bookshop in Robin Hoods Bay, the owner approached me and asked me if I would be interested in attending a Shamanism group - it appealed to me but was just too far away to attend which was a real shame.
  • Have you ever worked with Traditional Witchcraft?
    I've practised candle magic using a mirror (scrying?) which was shown to me by a Romany friend from my college days. I have also studied and used tarot cards for divination for myself and for others with varying success. I have had premonitions/recurring dreams of events which have later happened to me, some months in advance and one was near instantaneous which actually saved me from physical harm (if needs be I can go into detail if required). I used to use dream symbolism in my photography when studying for my degree and when I could I used to visit an ancient woodland and sit and meditate, often I'd talk to what I felt were spirits in the trees before carrying on with my photo projects (which usually turned out quite well).
  • What does Traditional Witchcraft mean to you?
    Part of the traditional craft to me is being able to do what you desire as long as it's for a higher good, the conscious act of focusing energy and will to achieve a desired outcome. None of this 3 fold stuff. If some one does something bad to you or someone close then you can reciprocate as long as it's justifiable and by using whatever power you feel is right and not feel guilt afterwards.
    Traditional craft is also being more in tune with nature as a whole. I was taught in Engineering Science at Tech College that energy doesn't disappear, it merely changes form I feel this is true in life also.
  • How long have you worked with witchcraft in general?
    I must have worked with witchcraft for about twenty years, probably not even realising it most of the time
  • What brought you to our site?
    I found this site after googling 'traditional witchcraft' after reading a description on trad craft on another forum. Before that I was asking the wrong questions and ending up on 'fluffy' sites.
  • What do you expect to get from this site, and what do you expect to contribute to this forum?
    I'd like to be able to get a better understanding of traditional witchcraft, I'm not after a teaching guide as I know this is not a teaching site and feel everything comes from within.
    I'd hope I can share my experiences with others and help if needs be with anything I've learnt over the years.
  • Do you belong to any other online witchcraft sites?
    No, I did belong to a few wiccan ones out of curiosity but that doesn't count and I no longer visit them.
  • What are your strongest points in witchcraft?
    I have an inquisitive nature and feel an affinity with my surroundings. I try to respect everyone and everything and am always willing to learn.
    I also tend to meditate on my actions I find it unwise to rush into things.
  • What are your weakest points in witchcraft?
    Lack of experience in magical practices as I am still a beginner on the practical side of things.

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  1. Thanks folks. I've had the go ahead from the local council to take over his allotment (he had two, I'm passing one back to them). They've been in the family for probably close to 100 years, and would be a crying shame to end it here.
  2. I'm living in his house at the minute. So many memories all around me. We are arranging his funeral today - no service, just straight to crematorium and scattered outside as were his wishes . So much to do, it's going to be hard severing the ties to the past by selling everything as we don't have room in our homes for it all. I'm between houses as well so I'd have to use storage for things I want to keep. Being busy is keeping me going. The hardest part will be when it's all over and the house has sold. I grew up in this house and it's always been here for me. I had 'nightmares of lilith' here many years ago and that's never left me.
  3. End of an era. My dad passed away peacefully in the early hours of this morning. He was too weak to carry on. His blood pressure dropped, he fell asleep and his heart stopped. I miss him greatly :(
  4. *quietly flicks tab-end and walks away..* "..wasn't me.." *..shuffles off.."
  5. Updates.. Had a stent in his throat so he can drink and hopefully eat soon. Having a stent in his side to drain fluids off (his abdomen is really swollen, but there's nothing on the rest of him). He's hoping to have mild chemo soon to reduce the lymphoma in his neck (which is a cause of jaundice), also lymph nodes are blocking his liver from working (although his liver is free of cancer). Still very weak and tired. He thought he might be coming home next week, I can't see it personally. He has esophageal cancer which isn't operable, hence the stent in his throat as it as pressing on it. Hoping it will be controllable with treatment. Long way to go though and progress seams slow.
  6. Thanks Nikki. Once they've find out what cancer he's got, they can then start treating him with chemo. He's fed up, and understandably so - his GP doctor was useless. It's gne a bit slow at the hospital now, I wish they'd hurry up and do more tests.
  7. It'll be 4 years next month to my mum's passing... Now to cap it all off, my dad has cancer. He's in hospital having tests. He knows it's not curable but hopefully it can be treated so he can eat and drink again. I miss my dad and want him back to his old self. :(
  8. You'll find quite a few male witches on here :)
  9. I remember you saying this a while back, and had to google it. Looked lovely.
  10. I decided to get rid of my vacuum cleaner, as it was only collecting dust...
  11. Why feel sad if you offend someone? I like offending people if they deserve it. You need a strong will and a strong mind and sod what others think.. ..sorry if I offended anyone, actually - no I'm not :kat: :razz: :thumbsup:
  12. Dropping bty to say hello.. 'Hello' never too far away to say goodbye..

  13. Personally speaking, I dont think you can loose your connection. Who you are is like a shadow. it's always part of you but sometimes unseen and other times it makes itself emminently visible. Do you really need to see it to know it's still there? Some take a break from it, but it never goes away. There's always a little 'tug' now and again, to remind you of who you are.
  14. Another year passes and I'm drawn back to this place. I'm glad it's still here.
  15. Ah, the place is still here. nice to drop in and catch up a bit... :)

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