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Crooked Path
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Everything posted by ejfinch

  1. :rofl: Priceless!! :rofl:
  2. Wow, Red Dragon, that solar still is an extremely cool idea!! Thanks for posting it!
  3. I would love to know more about controlling or filtering these impulses. They can be very disconcerting, to say the least.
  4. Having a finely tuned bullshit meter, and strong intuition in general, is one of the most useful tools a person (especially a witch) can have, imo. I only regret that I didn't learn to listen to it, at all times, much earlier in life. I certainly could have saved myself a lot of headaches! It's amazing how much smaller your circle of friends becomes when you DO start listening to it! lol
  5. The ice machine is a brilliant little gadget. It's a small cooler that you fill part way with ice, then water. It has a hose coming from it that connects to a "wrap" that you place around the affected body part. The wrap thing has channels all through it where the ice water from the cooler circulates, constantly. It does wonders for the swelling, which tends to cause a lot of the pain. The hospital sent me home with it. Here's a link for place that sells them so that you can see what it looks like. Good luck, darlin'! https://venturemedicalsupply.com/shopcoldtherapy/index.php/?gclid=CKjnisKz-bMCFUdxQgodnTgAag
  6. I, apparently, drank some Jubilee Kitchen Wax as a child, the stuff looked like marshmallow cream, lol. I also remember eating a handful of dirt just to see what it tasted like!
  7. Use that imagination, girl, and fuck 'em up! *shakes head in disgust*
  8. I'm really sorry to hear that, Abhainn. I've had that surgery and it's no picnic. My best advice is to utilize ice as much as possible. Hopefully, they will give you one of those ice machines after surgery-it was my savior! And, whatever you do, follow the physical therapy, afterwards, very diligently. I have you and your knee in my thoughts!
  9. I haven't been at this nearly as long as many of you, but, for me at least, it's a matter of clear intent + will + focus+ tapping into power source (be it within, without or a combination of the two). Is it possible that sometimes the "will, focus and tapping into power" becomes so automatic that we are only aware of the intent? Just a thought.
  10. Anyone else have this new, piece of shit, Windows 8 OS?? If so, do you hate it as much as I do? Gah!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. ejfinch


      All I can say is DON'T DO IT!! It truly sucks ass!

    3. Aurelia


      LOL Gram! I have to admit, I do miss those days too sometimes.

    4. Xaviera


      Gram, Aurelia, are you SERIOUS! Everything was so SLOW!

  11. I would have to agree with you Elizabeth. There are a myriad of things that make up a woman or a witch. People feel their power in different ways, both in a mundane sense as well as magically-what works for one may be unnecessary for another. And your right, there are a lot of people out there who really should re-think the whole "having hair" thing, lol!
  12. Damn, I'm really sorry you have to go through the exams again, EG. Give your brain a little time to rest and relax, and I'm sure you'll nail it the next time around-you're far too intelligent to do anything else! :hugs:
  13. Just wait until all your shit starts aching and creaking, lol! I agree about being honored to be in their company, but the price kinda sucks...especially when it's getting ready to rain! :pinch:
  14. Well done, Evergreen!! And congratulations, as I'm sure your results will be fabulous! Sending good thoughts, too. :atoast:
  15. Lol, CG-the bowl that I use in the majority of my workings is copper. I never gave it a thought before now. That made me giggle. :thumbsup:
  16. Thank you for posting this CG! Very well said. This describes, very much, the way I work as well. Your words are very timely for me, too. Most of the time I'm o.k. with the fact that I'm on my own, with no "specific" path, simply allowing my instinct to lead me. However, there are days when I feel like I'm really missing something in not having a human teacher or specific path or even relationship with deity. Reading your post served to remind me that all of those things are really irrelevant and that my way of working is what is right for me. Big sloppy kiss to you, CG! :hug: (sorry for going OT there folks)
  17. I can't help but wonder how all of this lore about iron being a repellant jives with the fact that we all have iron flowing in our veins.........hmmm. Wouldn't spilling our blood, thereby mixing it with air, have the same effect as taking iron ore out of the ground? This lore really makes no sense to me.
  18. Sounds like you are covering your bases, Sylvan. I wish all the best to you and your son!
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