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Everything posted by Moonshadowe

  1. Its been pointed out to me by all of you and the mods that Nikki's response was perfectly good advice. RR you are right it is likely that this is very much more to do with me than with RG. I have a pair so no way would I ever deal with some yappy dog of a person get up in my face like shes better than me just because she can spell fuck and is friends with the mods. I was embarrassed for RR reading that reply, but hey if shes cool with letting people talk to her that way who am I to say anything? I will happily take it elsewhere because I am used to dealing with a calibre of people that would not expect me to eat a lump of shit just because they had bothered to sprinkle some sugar over it. Just so this thread doesnt get too far off topic- as I said in another thread Netflix has a documentary on sleep paralysis.
  2. I don't find "advice" like this to be encouraging or useful at all. Really its nothing more than condescending. Either way it could have been delivered better or left out entirely. I am sure what RG experience was nothing less than terrifying and she shared that experience with confidence that she could trust the people who she shared it with to not heckle her. Save this type of nonsense for facebook please.
  3. Thats good to know. I tried several things, black tea was not one of them. Some kind of concoction that I don't remember, but didn't work. In the end I tried the last resort which was to let the soil go dry. Well guess what happened then? You just can't grow tender young plants if you fail to water them. I will try your suggestion if I have the problem again. Those little things are a royal bitch to get rid of.
  4. I couldn't find a list. I was double checking to see if my memory was correct. My initial recollection was fire= seeds, roots= earth, stems= water, leaves= air but somehow that didnt seem right. This is something I read like 20 years ago. I think the one above is probably closer to the mark.
  5. I got on a seed sprouting kick a few years ago and sprouted everything I could one year. Even sprouted lemon seeds and apple seeds from supermarket fruit. Thats when I was introduced to these irritating bugs called schimmelmuggen (fungus gnats). They are like fruit flies but they like to live in moist soil with seedlings in them- especially fruit tree seedlings nummy num!!! They ate most of the things I got started. I have had better luck growing vegetables from seed and have just potted a rosemary plant. Hoping I can keep my cat out of it until summer when I can move it outside. I doubt I would hinge a spell on my ability to keep a plant alive, especially something as important as a relationship. My results have been wildly varied and often doomed to failure.
  6. Editing my comment because I found an article w/ correct info. My answer was in the correspondences of plant parts and the magical elements. It is seeds= fire, roots= earth, leaves= water, flowers= air. There is a detailed article on the correspondences of elements and the correct components here.
  7. I was despising my house until I started practicing witchcraft again, now I feel lucky to have a private yard with no close neighbors. I just wish it was warmer/ dryer outside. In the past I have been an apartment-bound practitioner and I just set aside a space to keep my tools and brought them out to my workspace, which was basically my coffee table in my livingroom, when I needed them. Having dedicated ritual tools and an altar cloth helps me define my space for working. I still do most of my work indoors and I have a space set up in my bedroom, my husband gives me privacy to work when needed.
  8. No I wasn't using valerian. I have some catnip here for him and ofc that seems to be the one and only plant on the planet he doesn't care about. He is an indoor cat, we live next to a dangerous road so I don't let him out. He likes to plot escapes and run outside and smell plants before he is recaptured. Last night I was working with my new tarot cards and excluded him from the room so he sat in the hallway and cried like a baby until I let him in the room. He didnt attack me this time. Just got on the bed to have a snoop and left me to it. I can't get a read on this cat. He seems to be interested in anything witchy I am doing and feels the need to supervise. It just manages to put him in a really hyper mood along the way. Is valerian ok for cats like catnip is?
  9. That is peculiar. I don't know what it would be but its not lens flare. I hadn't considered those light tracers I see out of the corners of my eyes before. I see shadows and black forms out of the corners of my eyes before too. Sometimes I will perceive someone next to me and turn and ofc whatever I saw was gone. I thought abut asking my doctor about it but I was embarrassed they would think I was bonkers. I seem to have heard it was a symptom of psychosis. I already have enough issues with depression and anxiety to want to get another label. I did just find an interesting article on "corner of the eye phenomenon" from googling. Maybe that will make some interesting reading this morning. Oh and my cat is kittenish. Hes about a year old. I think hes a bit on the petite size for a nearly grown cat. His name is Cattington von Snuffinstein aka "Snuffy". My son named him and my husband expanded on it. lol
  10. Firstly congratulations on quitting smoking. I am sorry to hear about your mother. I finally quit 5 years ago and it was one of the hardest things I ever did. I had many failures and finally a success. I can't say that I used magic to help me, but I had a pregnancy to motivate me because I wanted to have a healthy baby. I believe it is very possible to use magic, and would do so to empower myself to get past this task. I would hope the spirits would see what a monumental task it is and forgive you for asking their help in this matter more often than would be under normal circumstances. I will say this, I don't know if it is because I stopped smoking, age or what but the strength of my magic now compared to when I stopped practicing, for the greatest part 13 years ago, is much stronger. Also I find the best road to success is having a realistic outlook. It took me over a year to stop craving a smoke. Just be ready! Good luck with staying smoke free.
  11. I mentioned it in another post somewhere on here I read this book called "Steal Like an Artist" and it helps get over the feeling you are ripping off other peoples art by exploring the same subject matter. Its really helping me with that. Good luck with your painting and I would like to see it when you have it finished (if you want to share). The subject matter sounds interesting. Maybe consider designing a Ukrainian folk art tarot card, or entire deck if you are feeling ambitious. :)
  12. I took a photo of my new altar cloth today to sport my work. I noticed the photo quality was all crappy and looked foggy and like the lens was dirty. Then when I looked that the images close up I noticed they contained orbs and they were in different positions in the frames. One contained only one very clear orb, the next frame contained several. I thought it was kinda cool because I have never taken a photo with orbs in it like that and always dismissed it as dust. I think these are too big to merely be dust and they have a distinct halo around them. I also took a photo once in Highgate Cemetery in London that had one single frame out of over 100 that I took that day that had a thickly formed mist that was not on the frame before or after.(Sadly I lost that one.) I cannot explain it, like I can't explain the photos I took today. I was wondering if anyone has taken photos like these before or what your take is on what they are? *Note: The third pic is of my spaz of a cat attacking me while I made smudge sticks. Same camera taken the day before.
  13. Bumping for the sisters.
  14. Well I have come to the conclusion that my cat is opposed to magic and related things. I ordered a new tarot deck and they arrived just a bit ago in the mail. I walked into my bedroom to put them on my desk. The cat was sleeping on the bed. I left the room for a few minutes and came back and the tarot cards were scattered everywhere and the cat had left the room. Guess I have to take his feelings into consideration now when I am working on things because his efforts are feeling more and more like deliberate acts of sabotage.Yesterday when I was making smudge sticks every time I got started on one he would attack me. Twice he carried my thread off and ran under the bed with it. I get where your fiance is coming from about cats being assholes. But I still love him.
  15. Sorry for the picture quality. Looks like they got the lens dirty. Oh well. I finally finished this thing. Took me a few weeks of working on it when I had the time. Its my new altar cloth. Hand-stitched web on 50x60 cm cotton cloth with cotton embroidery thread. You can't see them in the photo but I randomly stitched small hematite beads in the design to absorb negative/ unwanted energies. I figure I can moon bathe it regularly to clean it. I am rather pleased with how it turned out.
  16. Thank you. Thats a good thing. I am always acutely aware that I sound like Yoda when I speak Dutch and my spelling is atrocious.
  17. INTJ though on some of the questions I felt it would more depend on the situation than just an easy yes or no answer.
  18. That sounds about right. I guess I wouldnt really need one then. I already know when spirits are present and would prefer to follow my gut and not guess what my cat is thinking. I dont feel like I have any kind of special link to him.
  19. I found this site while browsing pinterest for spells. i got annoyed that 99% of them started of with calling a goddess so out of curiousity to see what would come up i put "atheist witchcraft" in the search and got a blog article on traditional witchcraft. then I googled traditional witchcraft and found this site. I was recommended but havent had time to watch Peter Paddon' s Crooked Path podcast on yourtube.
  20. I guess thats it. I really have no idea just exactly what a familiar is/ does. I always kind of assumed it was more a wicca thing until I got to thinking about the history of the witch trials. They had familiars or were accused of it. Surely it must be more than a spastic cat (or snake) who has a witchcraft fetish. Or maybe thats the requirement. I never thought of inducting a pet into my craft before because it seemed like I might be involving them in something they really want no part of. This cat seems like he very much wants to be a part of it, even if he just gets in my way. I kinda feel sorry for him. He wants to help but he doesnt have thumbs so he just bites everything. ;)
  21. I wanted to dig up this post and see if any of you have a familiar and how do you know if you have a pet that wants to be a familiar/ or are suited? I have this crazy cat that won't leave me alone when I am doing anything craft related. He seems really overly excited by whatever I am working on. Problem is he interrupts my spells, knocks over my candles, attacks me (ambitious play) and attempts to maul my tools and supplies. I am trying to make smudge sticks atm..yeah thats happening. My husband bought him as an older kitten for our oldest son's birthday- at a gypsy caravan park no less. When he brought him home he never cried for his litter mates/ mother. Like he was just always here. He is a sweet cat but he has this really feral nature about him. I have never worked with a familiar before so I can't tell if hes an overly excited cat or if he has some sense about what I am doing and is just being an accidental pain in the ass. Do your pets go insane when you are working your craft?
  22. It does look quite a bit like maple judging by the mottled appearance of the bark. If you are in that area again maybe see if you notice any maple leaves or those seed pods. They remind me of insect wings. There is a pretty good website here that discusses the magical properties of various trees.
  23. I am a stay at home mom, so I have time on my hands while I'm here at the house. I try to do things myself instead of paying for conveniences. Like I make my own laundry soap which brought the cost of my laundry from 37 cents per load to about 4 cents. Over the course of a year that saves me €300-€400. I also recently stopped drinking sodas which saves me about €40 a month. (yes confirmed cola addict!) We usually end up with somewhere between €300 and €1200 in savings every year and somehow all that money ends up getting spent on bills every time. Such is life.I did do a prosperity spell recently because our finances have been in near crisis mode this fall. I netted us about €400 this last month in money from unexpected sources and garnered some respect from my husband on the subject of witchcraft (priceless).
  24. I have spent the last two years vacillating about whether to bother getting back into witchcraft or not. I tried to find not too fluffy spells and information and save it. I always ended up getting lost in a sea of wicca stuff and giving up. it wasn't until a month ago I accidentally stumbled across a post about traditional witchcraft and it was like a beacon in the night. So yeah its tough trying to find the right group/ information. In the end I think I happened exactly like it should have because this group was worth waiting for.
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