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mudang last won the day on October 23 2017

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About mudang

  • Birthday November 27

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    Video games (League of Legends, Fallout, Mass Effect), tumblr, reddit.
  • How familiar are you with witchcraft?
    Very familiar. I have been practicing witchcraft since 2003 and I teach my own workshops/classes.
  • Have you explored other paths?
    I have. Mostly Hellenismos (before I knew that was a legit path, so I barely dipped my toes in) for a couple years, started off with NeoWicca (it didn't suit me at all), flounced around as an agnostic witch for a while (while praying almost exclusively to Aphrodite) then became a Shemsu with Kemetic Orthodoxy and shortly after, experienced spirit sickness and became a mudang.
  • Have you ever worked with Traditional Witchcraft?
    I suppose you could call Mugyo (Korean shamanism/folk belief) traditional witchcraft. Other than that. I've read about Traditional European Witchcraft but haven't partaken in it myself, as I'm focused on Korean methods.
  • What does Traditional Witchcraft mean to you?
    Honestly Traditional Witchcraft to me means folk magic. It is adaptable but still remains closely tied to how things were done in antiquity. For example, my Korean heritage. Traditional witchcraft/sorcery for us HEAVILY dealt with sympathetic magic and vocal magic (words have power, etc). The way it was done in the olden days to, for example, get back at a thief was to gouge out the eyes of a dead catfish and bury it. This was applicable then and it's applicable now.
  • How long have you worked with witchcraft in general?
    Since 2003! So as of now, it's been about 13 years for me.
  • What brought you to our site?
    A random google search for a hard to find book, actually!
  • What do you expect to get from this site, and what do you expect to contribute to this forum?
    I expect to spread information and be a sort of beacon to other Korean diaspora. A lot of korean diaspora don't realize we have strong, powerful gods from our own culture and our own witchcraft. I expect to have fulfilling discussions, otherwise. Everything Under the Moon is heavily slanted toward NeoWicca so it's a bit stifling there. Not my kind of witchy forum home.
  • Do you belong to any other online witchcraft sites?
    PaganSpace, WitchVox, the tags on tumblr (#witchcraft*, pagan*, polytheism) and Abracadabra though I haven't been to that one in a while. Very much filled with fluff.

    CVN.SPELLCSTR.com looks very promising, however!
  • What are your strongest points in witchcraft?
    My strongest would have to be protections, good fortune and energy work.
  • What are your weakest points in witchcraft?
    Attracting love for clients, green/cottage witchcraft.

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  1. Plenty of water or tea, meditation or whatever exercise that clears your mind static.
  2. Sorry Blacksmith, I heavily disagree. I had my initiation and am in the deep of my people's indigenous shamanic tradition, and we've always had to charge a fee. our gods refuse to "work" through us if they aren't paid. So no, a lot of ancient shamanic traditions will require a fee of one kind or another. And it doesn't mean anyone can pay to be one. Good, proper shamans will not say "you need an initiation" unless it's absolutely true - because this life is endless hardship. Not everyone is fated to be a shaman even if they're chosen by spirits, and this cannot be verified by the person themselves. they must be verified by a shaman of that tradition.
  3. Depends on the app and if the algorithm is truly "random" in terms of pulls. I enjoy using my phone app if i can't get to my physical deck. it seems about 75% accurate with the reasons i give.
  4. Yes basically. Or my own gods will speak through those to tell me about other's spirits.
  5. I used to use tarot without issues for communication. Either that or waiting for them to visit in dreams and tell me what they need to say. but after initiation, I primarily stick to colored flags and rice and i ching coins, the traditional methods.
  6. I'm sorry cameo, sometimes life really picks a time to shit on you at once. Like others have said, we can only do so much. Our gods can only do so much. No one is full proof here. That said, I highly encourage stronger forceful cleansing. Imo a spirit is masquerading as something helpful in order to stay around you but it's really just mucking everything up. Not something they can help, it just happens when a spirit is here and they're supposed to be in the afterlife.
  7. Yes, I believe most generally believe that we all go into a plane very similar to the world we live in, where we continue to "work" in order to relieve enough karmic sin to be reincarnated. They feel pain, hunger etc as we do, which is why it's necessary to feed them and give them money. The ones who fail their judgment with the ten kings of the underworld go to sections of hell where they're punished for a very long time until they're able to go to the "purgatory" sort of afterlife.
  8. Thank you for the questions! We typically prepare by being steadfast. Lots of prayer, bowing at temple. Healing typically needs grand ceremonies, which are very costly. Grand ceremonies require a lot of food offerings, special order ritual items from Korea etc. It's only mildly applicable. Healing energy is power granted to us by the gods, and is transferred to the client during the grand ceremony. The energy is typically sent to the physical body, though we did healing for emotional/ mental too. We all go into trance in order to receive the gods into our bodies during prayer rituals, divination and grand ceremonies!
  9. Ask me anything! I'm a "baby" (under training with a master mudang), which is basically a Korean shaman-priest of Mugyo, a closed indigenous tradition of Korea. Due to the initiatory nature of the religion, there is some information that I cannot share, and I will let you know if that's the case. :) I'm hoping to spread a bit more awareness of my people's tradition.
  10. I feel like I'm fairly tolerant. However, coming from a very traditional religion and spiritual lineage (my spirit mother is a bit of a purist), i have some bias against new age. I've never been drawn to crystals, chakras - etc. It never felt right to me.
  11. That would be a concern, if you're worried about your sister and nieces. The hex could certainly cause a splash effect against them as well since they live with him. I would suggest binding instead of a hex to prevent further damage/abuse against your loved ones.
  12. Initiation went very well. :) Say hi to your new official mudang!

  13. I would use divination to narrow down which one in particular it was - but it may have been that all those spells worked congruently to bring such a good outcome. In the future, I'd advise writing down a table of sorts and keep track. The spell you used, the intention, the method (herbs/candles/energywork etc) and whether or not you think it was a success.
  14. 신내림굿 set for August 2017!

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