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  • Gender
  • Twitter
    i don't tweet
  • Location
    CT USA
  • Interests
    knitting, spinning, tarot, henna, playing music
  • How familiar are you with witchcraft?
    Very. I have been practicing and learning my entire life.
  • Have you explored other paths?
    I am also a Catholic.
  • Have you ever worked with Traditional Witchcraft?
    yes. I practice folk magic, cunning work, hexcraft and dabble in other areas.
  • What does Traditional Witchcraft mean to you?
    First, I am a Catholic, so I hold the religious path that I was raised in, practicing withcraft means using the earth and the gifts from God to help achieve goals. What I do has no color. I also use Shamanism to help me find the answers or direction I need to take to achieve my purpose.
  • How long have you worked with witchcraft in general?
    I started practicing on my own in the 1970's.
  • What brought you to our site?
    Trying to find like minds, I'm tired of hearing about the new-age witchy silliness.
  • What do you expect to get from this site, and what do you expect to contribute to this forum?
    a place to feel comfortable with like minds.
  • Do you belong to any other online witchcraft sites?
  • What are your strongest points in witchcraft?
    talismans, tarot, rootwork
  • What are your weakest points in witchcraft?
    exploring new things beyond the type of magic I know.

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  1. sorting old herbs from newer herbs today, out with the old in with the new.

  2. I loved it. Loved that it was a departure from the normal "woods" type movies. I thought the end was fantastic, not what I would want, but fantastic none the less.
  3. I liked it too, once I got beyond the darkness of it. I thought it was quite an interesting perspective of the time and situation. I like you though, usually don't agree with the critics.
  4. Both. I think everyone can do it but not everyone is able to open themselves up past the rote meanings which do work on their own. I think that when a person is able to open up that the readings are taken to another level where more exacting information can be given, and more off the rote meaning flashes you will get. There's also a lot of different ways to divine so find one that works for you. Lenormond is a great one for a new person because the way the cards correspond will give you a very detailed answer so it's quite rewarding, I've also known someone that only uses a pendulum with a cloth and can give amazing readings so it's just a matter of finding your niche.
  5. Love this deck, and people love scour the images when reading with it.
  6. It tends to vary from year to year. Currently I would have to say the Mary El. It's taken me some time to make friends with this deck but it is great for spell work as well as serious readings, I do not find that it reads well for romantic issues because it's a little dark for that, but it is wonderful for those important readings albeit the images can be a bit shocking for clients.
  7. Similar to others, this is what I tell new clients. The future is not set in stone, what I see right now is what direction you're going in right now and the outcome of that. I believe everything happens for a reason, and I believe you are sitting here because there is something you need to hear. It is up to you to take that information and let nature take it's course, or you can do something to change that future if it's something you don't like. What is most important (when reading tarot with the spread i use) is what from your past is causing you to make the decisions you are now and how you can strengthen that if you're making good decisions, or work on taking the power away from that thing in your past. I always felt that knowing how you got here is important in getting to where you want to go.
  8. reading, internetting, thinking of cleaning, reading, checking forum, getting ready to clean...

    1. Michele


      lol - I do that a lot "please, someone give me an excuse not to clean!!!"

  9. oops..still learning here not sure where i was supposed to put that

    1. Roanna


      lol, I'm the same, always tempted to click and see what happens. (big red button alert!) x

    2. CelticGypsy


      ~ grins ~ you must be "young"... ;)



  10. i only do bad things when other people do them first

  11. Today is going to be a new...oh fuck it, today's going to be the same as yesterday. :)

    1. emily
    2. Mountain Witch

      Mountain Witch

      Two axioms come to mind: "Same shit, different day" and "2nd verse, same as the 1st". And, agreed.

    3. CrowMusings


      Ha..u get me. :D


  12. Today is going to be a new...oh fuck it, today's going to be the same as yesterday. :)

  13. My pendulum for clients is a heavy silver one that has a turtle to hold while divining. My very special one is a small acorn with an oak leaf at the other end. I often have this one hanging from an earring because it's small. I like the heavy one for clients because it leaves no doubt to the client what the answer is, it's a good swinger. My little one, is more delicate in it's answers but other people don't always sense her intricacies
  14. For me my totem animal is the one I identify with both internally and externally. The crow comes to me often, talks to me, pokes fun at me. My entire personality over the years has become more crow like, I collect crow things, I have crows on me at all times, everyone knows about my totem. My animal guides, the ones that help me when doing shamanic work are my own, they are internal only, what happens with them is always kept hidden, those are our secret journeys and their help to me is not my secret to tell as how my help to the person needing help is not their secret to tell. That's the best way I can describe it for me, it's probably just a different use of the term totem and guide.
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