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  • Gender
  • Location
    Kent, United Kingdom
  • Interests
    Knitting, Reading, Paganism, Witchcraft (particularly Hedgecraft),Self sufficiency
  • How familiar are you with witchcraft?
    Hmm. This is one of those questions I'm not sure how to answer without sounding ignorant or pompous, but I will try anyway. I have known about Witchcraft since I was a child. My mother told me that her mother was a witch, although I never got the chance to meet her :( I have had various "supernatural" experiences in my life and have been described as a sensitive. About a year and a half ago-ish, I decided to do some proper exploration, in terms of my spiritual beliefs and everything I read about Paganism just resonated so clearly and strongly with me, even though I had been raised knowing about it. Recently I have been reading more and more about Witchcraft and realising that I seemed to *know* things without ever having really properly researched into Witchcraft before. I am still learning however, and cannot claim to be 100% knowledgeable.
  • Have you explored other paths?
    I have felt drawn to the Celtic path, although I appreciate that within that there is a huge amalgamation of belief systems within that. I have been reading alot about myths and legends and feel myself strongly connected to the Irish legends, in particular the legends of Danu, the Tuatha De Danaan and the Faery folk. I am also finding that the more I read, the more that the way of the Hedgewitch feels "right" to me.
  • Have you ever worked with Traditional Witchcraft?
    I'm not sure. My grandmother was apparently able to almost "will" things to happen, (my mother too) and I *seem* to have that same ability, but I admit that I don't always know if it is *my* will or coincidence - hence the wish to learn and read as much as I can, since I cannot speak to my grandmother.
  • What does Traditional Witchcraft mean to you?
    Being a part of the Old ways as much as possible, learning to respond to the natural rhythm and cycle of Mother Nature and make best use of the tools she equips us with. To essentially understand things that have been forgotten about, disrespected by many, yet are still very much an important part of our lives - essentially I want to help ensure that the Old Ways are remembered and not ignored.
  • How long have you worked with witchcraft in general?
    In all honesty this is a question I'm not sure I can answer properly.
  • What brought you to our site?
    An accident, coincidence? Or my will to learn more. I'm not sure, except that I was searching the internet trying to learn more about Herbal Remedies and was directed to this site via the search engine :)
  • What do you expect to get from this site, and what do you expect to contribute to this forum?
    To learn, discuss, explore and understand, as well as to reciprocate that where possible.
  • Do you belong to any other online witchcraft sites?
  • What are your strongest points in witchcraft?
    I would say at the moment it is my sensitivity and also my desire to learn.
  • What are your weakest points in witchcraft?
    My lack of knowledge.

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  1. Thanks hun. Funny you should say that, I have just strengthened/recharged my protection around my home. This morning I woke up and feel rejuvenated as though a weight has been lifted.... I've wondered for some time as though someone has been trying to harm me and mine, I don't have that worry anymore...
  2. The Greenman has been in my life since I was a babe. But Ra is not someone that I think about regularly in all honesty. I also have only recently started meditating.
  3. Apologies for not being around much, I've been very busy! The other night, I was meditating with a candle whilst visualising protection over our home. I spent some time staring at the candle and when I closed my eyes, I could naturally still see the candle flame behind my eyelids. Then in the flame I saw what I think is the eye of Ra floating about inside it and then I think I saw the face of the Greenman. After I opened my eyes (a few mins) the flame I had seen when my eyes were closed was still dancing about the room. Time seemed to fly past as well, what was actually about 45 mins or so, seemed to only be a few minutes. I am not really sure what I am saying/asking, just after people's views on this. I'm not on any kind of specific "path" at the moment, kind of just finding my way I guess you could say.
  4. Wow! Thankyou so much for your reply Lynn - I got shivers reading that! So much of it makes sense, in a weird way it's almost as though I *knew* what you were saying was true but I wasn't aware of it - if that makes any sense? With the house it was my old house I mentioned before, and my dog I'm not sure what he has to do with the house as he was the family dog, and even though he and I were close I still can't quite work out the connection there either. With the spider, I see the spider as resilient, a skilled weaver able to make things of beauty from something that is really not overly pretty to look at (by which I am referring to the spider). They are cunning and able to adapt themselves to pretty much any environment or situation. And the first and last things I can kind of see in myself - being resilient and able to adapt, as I have been through some pretty tough situations, but I cannot see any other resemblances. I don't know what others believe the spider's attributes are, is it subjective? Or is there an accepted, deeper meaning to the spider? Also with the secret group thing, you say it is because I am a witch, would you mind elaborating please? I feel you are right, but I'm not exactly a "practising" witch, not sure if that makes any sense. I'm aware of my abilities to sense things, and seem to have managed to will things to happen, have dreams that are almost like premonitions and feel a great connection to trees and my grandmother (whom I know was a witch) - I was even fortunate for a tree dryad to reveal themselves to me, and whilst I am seeking knowledge of the old ways, wishing to learn and also follow them, I am not sure if that makes me a "witch"? Sorry if I'm not making much sense lol I'm not very good at explaining these types of things lol so I hope you can get what I mean by this :red_witch: As I said before, thankyou so much for taking the time to reply to me - I genuinely feel as though it is helping me move forward and discover more about myself xx
  5. Thankyou all for the replies and the advice that I was given on this topic. It has all been very much appreciated. I definitely think that the explanations given are all very pertinent to my life right now, especially the feeling stuck in a rut, whilst desiring to move forward to reach certain goals. And I am going to attempt to contact my grandmother too! So shall let you know what happens. But a day or two after reading the replies to this thread I had a dream and did as was advised and wrote everything down that I could remember and feel that it is still connected to my previous dreams and hope you would be so kind as to offer your fabulous advice again if that's not too much trouble? :grin_witch: So.... I was part of a secret group, possibly assassins? Not sure. I owned a gun and was shooting these people, that I don't recognise, again and again, from a distance, but couldn't seem to actually hit them. Again a background theme to the dream was my old house. I kept trying to escape from this scenario, at one point I managed it but was then trapped underground in a kind of confined sewer type space. - Eventually I managed to escape the scenario entirely as my dog Max (that I had years ago) came and helped me break free. During all this I was naked, then before I escaped I was dressed simply in a long black, long sleeved shirt (like a man's button up shirt) and had fine black hairs over my body - I felt almost like a spider. Which I realise sounds a bit weird. When I escaped, I came to the house I live in now and on the stairs, inside the house, there were a ton of seeds, pots and compost.... Then I woke up. So what do we think of this? It felt so real, I could feel emotions such as fear, frustrations, feeling trapped and finally free, but it doesn't make sense, I'm not very good at this kind of thing xx
  6. Oh wow! I have read through the replies (since my last post) a few times and just want to thank you all so much for them! If it is ok I want to take a little time to let everything absorb because so so much made sense it's a little spooky (in a good way lol). So I am just going to take some time and will be back to reply properly. But thankyou all!! :thankyou:
  7. Thankyou for your reply CelticGypsy :grin_witch: I didn't mean that she was "haunting" me in a negative manner, I meant pretty much what you described above lol but wasn't sure how to word it, so thankyou! hehe. Unfortunately I have no idea what I would use to set up a space/altar in honour of her as I have nothing that belongs to her or pictures or anything :red_witch: if you could help suggest anything that could help me to contact her, I would very much appreciate it xxx
  8. Thankyou all for your replies. Sarafina I am intrigued to see what your reply is with the spiders in my dreams. I should mention that they don't scare me. In the physical world they *used* to scare the hell out of me until a friend helped me to overcome this fear and they no longer scare me, although they make me jump when they just jump out at me :pumpkin_rolleyes: With the zombies I don't think it is to do with being scared as such, I watch so many zombie films and programmes, I must admit to being a bit obsessed. I am afraid I am very much a believer in the Zombpocalypse, mainly due to the way scientists keeping buggering around with DNA, genetics, animals, vaccines etc. I appreciate there are "good" reasons for this, but am not naive enough to believe they aren't upto no good behind closed doors as well. But even that doesn't seem to tally with my dreams. I think Sarafina may be right in that it represents past problems. I have recently decided to let go of all the hate, anger, frustrations etc caused me by many of the horrific things done to me as a child as well as an adult, but I admit the one thing I still find myself finding tough is my relationship with my mother, who abandoned me as a child and with whom I have had a sporadic relationship growing up. I feel a strong connection with *her* mother who died 7 years before I was born, and for some reason I feel that my maternal grandmother holds many answers for me, she was a witch. But I will never really be able to find out much as I don't speak to my mother. The old house belongs to my mother, I lived in it for a while as a teenager, then when I had my own children a few years ago (my mother lived somewhere else) and then I moved here. I definitely feel as though someone is trying to tell me *something* not just about past problems, but about questions that I am burning to know the answers to. I hope Sarafina is able to come back and elaborate on the spiders in my dream because I feel that they are very pertinent. :Spider-1: I should also add that I often feel as though I am being "haunted" by the spirit of my maternal grandmother, not all the time, but sometimes. Which is odd that I should *know* it is her since I've never met her. But my mother told me that my grandmother had a gift, that my mother has and apparently I also have. I know that is very cliche to some, but it is also very true, and part of me would love to get to know my grandmother better as I feel she would have much to teach me. Thankyou for all the replies :beerchug:
  9. Ok so I'm not entirely sure how best to word this and not even sure if anyone can help but I'm hoping for some opinions and ideas about my dreams lately. I am a firm believer that dreams can be places where we can get answers to problems, questions etc as well as guidance from spirits and deities. But it is a concept I am still quite new to. Anyway, I have had absolutely tons of dreams about being chased by zombies, I escape and often find myself in my old home (that I lived in before I moved here) and I end up in the attic that has all these extra nooks and crannies and other escape doors that lead me further into the house into places that obviously don't exist in the "physical" world. There are always spiders in my dreams too. Only a few times has this dream really differed - I was on a hillside, my children were there as were others running from zombies and a man, I can't really describe him but he made me feel very safe, secure, I seemed to know him - as if he was a lover but I didn't recognise him (I've been single 6 years! lol) we were looking out across a town on fire, but were safe from the zombies for a while. I do have other dreams, including some that have my ex partner in, being nice and caring, gentle and a good father (which is the complete opposite of how he was towards us before we split), whilst we are still trying to escape the zombies - on a couple of occasions we were trying to escape from a hospital and/or a council estate that was repetitive and seemed to lead back to the hospital. I have had one horrific dream of being in an old terraced house, hiding from men who were literally trying to butcher me and my children, there was blood everywhere and body parts of other children - somehow we escaped, but I still feel that feeling of being trapped sometimes if I think about it. In all the dreams except the last one mentioned and the one on the hillside there have been spiders, in varying degrees. They seem to be quite a prominent aspect to many of my dreams.... Which leads me to last night's dream.... I was on this bus, someone got on with their filthy mattress which took up alot of the gangway. It seemed to go round and round forever, then on the motorway the door opened and a man fell out but the bus didn't stop, I tried to phone 999 but the phone wouldn't let me ring and instead phoned this girl who I haven't been friends with for years (big fallout) and she told me to phone 999 but I told her I couldn't. I'm not sure what happened after that but then I was with my sister, in a house that might have been the one I mentioned above with all the strange exits in the attic, yet it wasn't exactly the same. Anyway there were little spiders and my sister screamed and told me there was a huge spider outside. I looked out, was shocked in the same way you would be if someone jumped out at you, but I wasn't afraid and staring at me, sitting outside on a bag or cushion or something was a BIG black spider, with glossy "fur", almost smiling at me, just sitting there looking at me. Apologies for the long post, just felt that the previous dreams mentioned might be linked in some way and wondered if anyone can help me unravel this as I have this feeling that the recurring themes of these dreams mean something, someone is trying to tell me something but I am quite tired as they often affect my quality of sleep. So thanks in advance and I look forward to reading your replies xx
  10. Thankyou for sharing this remedy! My son (and I to an extent) suffers from respiratory issues which are generally dealt with with an inhaler, but I find they don't always work and prefer to use natural remedies where possible. So definitely want to give this a try, although I do have a question, which doesn't seem to have been asked/covered.... Do you have to take it on a regular basis or just when needed? Also do you have to take it twice a day? Or should you just kind of play around and see what works best and what your body needs? I am planning on getting a juicer so this will probably be one of the first things I try :cauldron: hehe xxx
  11. The "Green man" that is depicted on churches, or referred to as Jack in the Green, Pan, Puck etc is very real. Ok to me, but I first saw him when I was about 2 and half. I can still remember him. He used to smile and come to play in my room with me. I still see him now. My parents used to hear footsteps running around upstairs, assumed it was my sister and I. Until one evening, we were sleeping out, they heard the footsteps again and realised we weren't there. I call him the Green man at the moment because he hasn't let me know what he would prefer I call him yet. His name is hidden and I get the impression it is with good reason. He is the wild, the vegetation, the seed, essentially the yin to Mother Earth's yang. At least this is what I glean from him. I know there are many who would disagree with me on this, that is their right, but he is very real. Think of him as essentially the masculine half of nature. Unfortunately due to the likes of Wicca, which seem to focus on the feminine side of nature/deities, he has been somewhat overlooked/forgotten about. I live in the UK and his presence is very strong here, but I would imagine it is anywhere in the world for reasons I explained above. Hope that helps x
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