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Everything posted by Meredith

  1. As most people hate wasps with a vengeance, I think they pack a pretty powerful punch, whatever use you put them to. A wasps nest is a beautiful creation. As for uses, uses for who? I am sure a wasp would feel (if it were able to rationalise) that it deserves a place in the world.
  2. Ancient! Maybe one day I will be seen as an elder. I seem to be unable to insert a a smilie so you can choose one that is appropriate.
  3. Batchelor Boy, Cliff Richard. I think it was a double 'a' but I haven't heard the other one.
  4. I have got enough stuff to keep me going forever but I can resist buying more and taking on new projects, some would see it as a personality glitch. I know how lucky I am to have a special room, I really appreciate not having to clear everything away to get to the kitchen table for a meal. It has certainly taken the sting out of another one of my brood flying the nest.
  5. I don't tell anyone about my spells, for me it is a private thing. I do tell my husband when I have done a working that might interest him but I don't think that counts, I have known him for more years than I haven't so he really is my OH. I still don't go into specifics though.
  6. I am a bit of a Jack of all trades, I have tried my hand at all sorts, my attempts have a rustic look a lot of the time though. I particularly enjoy patchwork and quilting, card making and rug making. One of my sons has just left home and I now have the luxury of a craft room so I feel as if I am in clover. I get totally lost in what I am doing and hours can go by without me realising, I go into a sort of meditative state. It is a winter pass time for me though, I have to do the garden in the summer, which is a kind of craft in a way too. Marion, your necklace is beautiful. I haven't tried my hand at jewellery.
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