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Nim last won the day on December 29 2016

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  • Gender
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  • Interests
    writing, reading, tarot, dancing, witchery
  • How familiar are you with witchcraft?
    Fairly familiar, though there are serious gaps in my knowledge on certain things. I a hoping to fill those in as time goes by.
  • Have you explored other paths?
    I was raised in a fundamentalist Christian household. I left that at 21. I briefly toyed with atheism and Wicca. Very briefly. However, I came over to the witchy side of things pretty quickly.
  • Have you ever worked with Traditional Witchcraft?
    Yes, I tend to work spells and rituals using the typical tools of Traditional Witchcraft, especially herbs, stones, and oils.
  • What does Traditional Witchcraft mean to you?
    Basically, I think of Traditional Witchcraft as the practice of dancing with the seen and unseen. I think of it as a deeper way of engaging with life.
  • How long have you worked with witchcraft in general?
    I have considered myself a (non-wiccan) witch for about nine or ten years, though my practice had foundered for several years. I am just now starting to make a concerted effort again to move my practice forward.
  • What brought you to our site?
    Seeking fellowship and more learned thoughts than mine.
  • What do you expect to get from this site, and what do you expect to contribute to this forum?
    I hope to have a place to bounce ideas off of those who have far more experience than I do. I have enough of a background, that I believe I can give thoughtful helpful in certain areas, especially for those newer to the Craft.
  • Do you belong to any other online witchcraft sites?
  • What are your strongest points in witchcraft?
    I am generally able to trance easily.
  • What are your weakest points in witchcraft?
    I have many, but probably communication with the dead.

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  1. While I have not gone ghost-hunting myself, I have had far too many experiences and I appear to unfortunately be a medium. I do not enjoy it. "Seeing" for me is mind's eye for the most part. I get a lot of sensations that tell me what I need to know, and sometimes I get auditory communication as well. I think there are a pretty wide variety of spirits that have made themselves known to me. Some are maybe the dead. Mostly what I come across seem to be either local spirits or traveling spirits, along with a handful of nasty beasties. As for first responders, I suspect many have weird experiences. In fact, I currently live across from a quite old building that is being renovated as apartments. I cannot tell you how often fire trucks have been called there during the night. There's never been anything as far as I can tell, and based on the first responders' demeanor, they also know there is nothing there. I'm pretty sure the construction crews have really pissed off the locals. Can't say I blame them either.
  2. I like this. It's exactly what I've been telling my SO lately. He tends to go after books all the time. I love books too, but I feel like at this point, he needs to put the books down for a bit and just practice. Kind of getting in his own way at this point.
  3. Ha! There have been moments... ;) Are the blossoms pretty safe as tea? Or is it one that should be used cautiously? This gives me ideas. And not just the obvious ones.... LOL!
  4. Solanaceae, that's what I was wondering. I wasn't sure whether it was in the poisonous category or not. I will be putting it off for a while for myself since I'm still nursing, but this is exactly the kind of information I was looking for. I like the burning or sleeping with mugwort to start. Thank you for that. FT, WOW! This information is amazing. Thank you! I feel like I can make some judgement calls on dosage and duration once I'm ready to start experimenting. And never the EO. Honestly, with little kids around, I'd be afraid to even have the EO in the house. I forgot bay laurel! It's been crucial in my work for the past couple of years.
  5. Same here. The forum has gone a long way in helping me expand my practice, and it's so nice to get other witches' thoughts.
  6. When I needed iron for some magical needs, I found these: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00CY8ROAA/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1 They're heavy duty cast iron nails. Maybe something like that would help you?
  7. That sounds like a great start. Some herbs and spices are supposed to be helpful to fertility too. Perhaps some of them would go well in your dishes, if they appeal to you. With divination, whatever method you prefer to start with, keep it simple. I have found it makes it easier to get used to a divination form if I don't complicate things too much. There are other methods as well of encouraging fertility, magically speaking, so there is a lot more to explore if you wish. I hope things go well. Best of luck to you.
  8. Good point. Here's a pic. ETA: My friend called it an Althea syriacus. Just found her note.
  9. I searched, but couldn't find anything on Rose of Sharon. Has anyone had experience with this plant? I had one pop up out of nowhere this summer. Didn't even know it was there until it bloomed for the first time...at the same time as the big eclipse in August (we were in the path of totality). It has had daily blooms since then and now they seem to be increasing to two a day. It was startling. I had never even seen Rose of Sharon before then (a botanist friend identified it right away and also mentioned it was blooming on the late side for our location). Anyway, I wondered if anyone knew anything about this plant, magically or otherwise? Other thoughts?
  10. Nim


    I don't specifically do aeromancy, but I pick up images in random places regularly. I have ended up feeling that we are being given messages that only we can interpret, which may be why it's so difficult to find information. Working on intuition in general may go a long way to making it easier to interpret the images we are given. I don't know. Just my random, kind of sleepy thoughts.
  11. I do like to work with herbs in my work and have a lot of favorites. Lavender and rose are probably my top choices though. I've found them to be extremely versatile, for me.
  12. I love this idea. Can you tell me how you went about making the mugwort cold infusion? Also, is there a safety limit on consuming mugwort? I've just recently got some mugwort and am wanting to carefully and respectfully experiment with it.
  13. I think your plan is very reasonable, especially since you don't feel like there's a need for anything more intense. I feel like I should add that we are not at all anti fae here. In fact, where we live now seems to be a bit of a haven for them. In general, the fae are perfectly welcome to do their thing in my home as long as they don't cause trouble. Enticing my children is just way off limits. I don't think these were run of the mill fae anyway. Like I said, that house/the homeowners seemed to attract really unsavory entities. I was so glad to be out of there. I had never come across fae that were that overtly scary medieval fairy story. As for the gifts, I see no reason you shouldn't put out those offerings. Intention is important. You could even speak out loud to them. Tell them your intentions and your limits. I often put out offerings for the house spirits and fae. I think it keeps everyone pretty happy, and I think it encourages them to protect the house and those who live in it.
  14. I'm sorry you're going through this. You don't have to answer this directly, but what is your tradition? I would start there if you have a specific one. If you don't, there are a lot of fertility spells out there which won't necessarily involve your wife. Does she mind that you do magic on this? Is she opposed to you working on this? Or does she simply not want to be involved? That's an important starting place. As long as she is ok and just doesn't want to be involved, you might start with food magic. Spell something you make, preferably one of the many foods that tend to represent fertility. Pomegranates are one, for example. I've got lists of fertility foods somewhere. I'll try to find them. However, pretty much anything can work, as long as your intention is there. Something that popped into my head would be to do a series of food related or similar fertility spells, leading up to a big night, when she is ovulating. Make it a date night in. Make this your most virile spell as you are preparing the food. Serve dinner, perhaps with a nice wine if you do such things, and relax. Don't think about it for the rest of the night; just enjoy each other's company and flow with the energy. ^^^^That's totally a random suggestion, so take with a grain of salt. But food is a very common method (without resorting to donkey dick, lol). You could also create spelled bracelets to assist. Have you tried divination at all to try to work out which of you (or both) have the actual fertility issues? I know modern medicine couldn't figure it out, but maybe divination is worth a shot?
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