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About aurorarosepsychic

  • Birthday 09/17/1979


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  • Location
    Leitchfield ky
  • Interests
    reading cooking spending time with family
  • How familiar are you with witchcraft?
    I am not well studied, but I know enough to know this path fits me better than others
  • Have you explored other paths?
    yes I have explored, christianity, wicca, and Kabbalah I mostly stayed with wicca but the new agey stuff is about to make me spew
  • Have you ever worked with Traditional Witchcraft?
    I have studied it
  • What does Traditional Witchcraft mean to you?
    The true old ways, the way things were before christianity
  • How long have you worked with witchcraft in general?
    if this means including wicca and/or any type of spell casting 7 years
  • What brought you to our site?
    trying to find like minded people I can learn or make friends with
  • What do you expect to get from this site, and what do you expect to contribute to this forum?
    I would love to contribute any ideas thoughts ect that I have or learn through practice, I would like to gain friends, thoughts, ideas, ect from this site
  • Do you belong to any other online witchcraft sites?
    yes far too many to mention I went to witch school but all that is on there is fluffy bunny new agey stuff they even turn alchemy into something it wasnt
  • What are your strongest points in witchcraft?
    I feel I have a strong ability in visualization, and a strong energy when spell casting I am also psychic which helps with knowing what needs to be cast
  • What are your weakest points in witchcraft?
    I let life get in the way of my practicing and my focus

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  1. I have had wonderful success with this. I received a lot of information when I have done this. I was completely channeling them, and once sort of possessed and had no memory just read what I wrote when I came out of it. I also had no trouble expelling the spirit on my own when the spirit was done. So as a medium as well I do recommend this if you feel comfortable with it.
  2. My husband loves the fact that I practice and what I believe in but he doesnt really participate or do anything with it himself
  3. This thread is so informative I love it thanks guys for all the advice listed here. I also wanted to add that while tea lights are great for spells some of them are made badly I bought some from walmart once that when you let them burn low they would catch on fire it was made from a powdery wax instead of regular wax. Also for people who make their own candles...if you like a strong fragrance I found that you can put just a few drops of your EO but then add fragrance oil of the same scent this way you get the effects of the EO but the aromatherapy you want with a stronger fragrance with the fragrance oil and it saves you on the EO I have found it loses no magickal abilities by adding the fragrance oil along with the EO
  4. I too really liked it I think I am going to check out the books that go with it
  5. Thank you I will ask my physician about that
  6. oh okay sorry if I brought that up in the wrong spot just this conversation reminded me of it my apologies hun
  7. thanks so much for the advice I will definitely try this. I really dont like taking pharmecuticals
  8. Thanks so much. I have boughts of serious depression, where I dont want to do anything. I have severe anxiety attacks, and a lot of obsessive compulisive behaviors that get worse when I am either too energetic or too depressed just different obsessive compulsive things depending on which was going on.
  9. Does anyone know any remedies for someone with severe mood swings almost bipolar like symptoms beyond st johns wort or valerian root. I have tried those and the omegas the omega supplements work a little, but not much also nothing seems to help homeopathic wise with the anxiety attacks and such.
  10. I tend to be very logical whether I want to be or not so for me yeah I do like to understand the theory in most cases though I get the theory without someone telling me it almost seems like I just automatically make the connection...or at least come up with my own theory
  11. I AM IN LOVE with Game of Thrones. I am also reading the books, and I love how the show kind of sticks to the books
  12. This has been my experience as well. I love using a pendulum when I am having difficulty understanding what a spirit is trying to tell me.
  13. I can feel pain, but some pains I enjoy to a degree its hard to explain. Needles dont bother me at all havent since I was 4 or 5. Bleeding doesnt bother me in fact when I see my own blood in an injury its oddly reasurring and mezmorizing to me. I have never shared this before lol. I also get into pain in sex like bdsm. However when I had the nerve test that one of you mentioned above I hated that and it made me very upset and irritable. But that is because electruction is a step above my pain threshold. Its weird anything that involves heat or electricity (another form of heat) seems to be more sensitive to me than any other type of pain
  14. I agree real blood seems more powerful, and easier to obtain
  15. Not sure if this is relevant, but I found a book about a year ago called "long lost friend" it is a pennsylvania dutch's grimiore basically it was written I believe in either the early 1800's or the late 1700's and what I noticed was, that it seemed as though after the xtians came into the picture I guess to not be caught they would mingle their beliefs or craft back then to coincide with xtianity and it seems that some people started to mix the two completely to maintain their heritage yet not be caught practicing. There were a lot of spells in their that contained xtian scriptures or prayers to the xtian god but would also call for things that were definitely witchcraft. I am a lover of history so I found this very interesting.
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