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Watersiren last won the day on April 12 2016

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    All things found within the domains of the 9 Muses.
  • How familiar are you with witchcraft?
    Not a stranger to witchcraft - perhaps more of a familiar face. Someone who has done the rounds at east once, but of course how familiar can any of us be with witchcraft?
  • Have you explored other paths?
  • Have you ever worked with Traditional Witchcraft?
    Yes. Both on my own and as part of an informal group that identified more or less as holding a Traditional Witchcraft praxis mindset.
  • What does Traditional Witchcraft mean to you?
    All the things found between land and sky both living and dead. On either side of the veil, without and within.
    For me it is a way to perceieve, know and interact with all that is green and grey and does not come from men.
  • How long have you worked with witchcraft in general?
    Around a decade.
  • What brought you to our site?
    Word of mouth and google the omniscient.
  • What do you expect to get from this site, and what do you expect to contribute to this forum?
    I expect to contribute my experience and what knowledge I have that may be useful to others. I likewise expect to learn from the experience and knowedge of others.
  • Do you belong to any other online witchcraft sites?
  • What are your strongest points in witchcraft?
    Energy work, reading the stars, green gnosis.
  • What are your weakest points in witchcraft?
    structured ritual and ceremonial elements implementation.

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  1. This is such a fun discussion about candle use. Great to see and hear how others do it. I also love Birthday cake candles for their size and utility in quick fix spells and small workings. Love the beeswax type - but it isnt always practical and they tend to run on the costlier side. Tealights and votives are great staples. I tend to use primarily white and dress and charge them with intent and purpose rather than having a number of coloured ones on hand.
  2. Interesting subject, and some great and insightful replies! Upping and charging up your own wards and protection, "sweetening up" or "freezing" rather than straight out binding, and divining the situation would be the first steps I would consider in ascertaining whether there was a cursing in place or not.
  3. Onyx look at those healthy goddess locks! So abundant and vibrant. And hopefully you feel lighter and free-er.
  4. Instagram illustrates quite well the effects of commodifying witchcraft. I agree it is a great tool for self promotion and for artists and creators to get their works out there, but the downside is that can get lost in a sea of copycat behaviour and surface level understanding and imagery. In some ways this is nothing new, but I sympathize with those getting huffy seeing what is portrayed and labeled as witchcraft on that social media site .
  5. Onyx you could always use the personal hair paintbrushes as Ritual tools for painting things 'on' such as oils, dyes, even water based brews onto objects and surfaces. Or for 'brushing' in an energetic pattern on an item to charge or cleanse it etc. Or dusting items with a conjure powder/powdered herb dust/magic mixes etc as part of spell work. Let us know if you go ahead and undergo this transformation hair cutting experience.
  6. Solanaceae your Annabelle looks adorably sweet. Wonderful work!
  7. I know I'm necro-ing a super dead thread, but wondering what your thoughts are on The Dead Files Grymdycche.
  8. This is so whimsical and magical. I love your illustrations. Thank you for sharing them with us. I hope you create more and share them with us in the future!
  9. I wouldn't be so quick to assign cause and effect, without gaining more insight or clarity on the situation. Have you tried getting some insight via meditation, divination, or even just stepping back and trying to assess the going-ons outside of a purely magical framework? Both Cameo and Aurelian have offered some great advice on the matter. I can only offer the suggestion to take a step back, take stock, and maybe find your center and proceed from there. A good uncrossing or clearing with whichever methodology you prefer also can't hurt. I hope everything turns arond for you soon enough, with mercury turning direct and the new year incoming.
  10. When you are making Yule cookies and cant help but be festive and gay in that witchy way

  11. I love your use of colour in these two pieces.
  12. I, too, feel the inherent energy buzz that's present in storms, winds, thunder. It's highly energising, and work carried out during this time and in sync with these natural phenomena can gain a big signal boost. All that energy flying about, wild and loose. I think most witchy individuals would feel the pull from their central core to such things.
  13. Just picked up and giving it a go - The Witching Herbs by Harold Roth.
  14. I would add to that during the hour of the moon (hour ruled by the moon) which you can ascertain from an astrological table of hours - or http://www.lunarium.co.uk/planets/hours.jsp and other similar sites that chart such pertinent information. Possibly use a silver or silver coloured vessel to collect.
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