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Life loves those curve balls.

Not well at present. Not been around much. First of all, I decided to get back into making natural skin care as a bit of a hobby business. It's been fun. Then I decided I wanted to go back to being vegetarian. Another good decision. Unfortunately, the day I chose to start is the day I came down with a super bad cold. Raging, sore throat for 3 days, headaches, could only sleep. Just when that is begining to ease up I get hit with colic. I have now been suffering this pain for over 4 hour



My room

I'm getting my own room to study in *woo hoo* The guest room is never used, so it's being turned into a room that I can study, meditate and practice in. I will be able to leave things out half finished and just shut the door. It will be so nice to have my space again.



The prize

I often awake from dreams with some knowledge or insight I didn't previously have. It can be in the form of a dream or a series of sentences my mind rattles off, as though I must make a mental note of something before it slips into the ether. I've decided to collect all these lessons here. My next development will be to keep conscious awareness of where I go and what I do when sleeping.   I awoke this morning with this insight:   The prize is there. The knowledge being sort by all on this pa



Moon phases

In my wanderings in and out of the path I learnt the various meanings of the different phases of the moon. You want to do 'this' kind of spell, that's the waxing moon. You want to do 'that' kind of spell, that's waning. I tried it and I have to say, it was hopeless. It never worked for me the way it was supposed to. I tried a weightloss spell once, tying it to the growth of a plant. The happier it grew, the more weight I'd lose sort of thing. Even wrote a nice little rhyming ditty to chan



Compass & elements

Years ago I lived by the sea (well, 3 streets away) in Fremantle, Western Australia, which is just about as far west as you can go on the mainland. I was trying to get into witchcraft and not be Wiccan at the same time. At this point, I hadn't heard it was possible, I was just trying to find aspects of the path that gelled with me. I had read Sunwyse, which is about turning things around to make them appropriate for being in the southern hemisphere and that's when I learned it was OK to mess




All my life I have felt the joy of, and need for, travel. It didn't really kick in, in a big way until I went to the Philippines in 1991. It was the first time I felt like I did belong somewhere on this planet, I'd been like a fish out of water up til that time. 6 years later I got into travel seriously as I stated traveling around Australia in dribs and drabs. My first port of call was Alice Springs, which was a spiritual awakening for me.   I've been here with my partner for 6 years, not g



A bucket of sand

Lately I've been dreaming about a bucket of sand. I'm at some kind of place (outside in the outback) and I'm with a group of people. I can't seem to remember any more than that. I keep waking up with this image of the bucket of sand on the ground sort of in the middle of the group, but I can't remember whothe people are or what they look like. I think they are talking about something or have just finished. I keep waking up at the same point, so I know it's an astral traveling event and not



Crystal ball, tarot & sand, oh my!

I had a late night last night, but dragged myself out of bed early this morning to keep my appointment with the very nice lady who did a tarot reading for me. I met her two weeks ago at the market and got a very good feeling from her. I usually do my own reading, but sometimes I need someone objective who wont' be "blind" to what I don't want to see. It was really good. She basically confirmed what I had been picking up on myself recently, and gave me some thinking material.   I also bought



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