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Poison path: book recommendations?


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So I am looking to make a book purchase or two with the intent of adding onto my herbal witchcraft library. I've looked at several, but would like some input on books that other members have found useful. I have several books on traditional herbalism, but these do not deal with the plant teachers that I am looking to work with. Specifically, I am looking for information about flying ointments and other applications using plants from the Solanaceae and Artemisia families. I need more research and to build my knowledge about these plants but I am uncomfortable with random information from the internet for obvious reasons. Any recommendations that would apply to this path would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


Note to admins: I was unsure whether to put this in this thread or not because of it being visible to guests who may be minors, etc. If you think it should be moved to a more private area of the forum, by all means please do so.



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I can recommend them all MuireAnne,


Be aware that some of Christian Rätsch's information is not perfectly accurate (or up to date) so there is a need to be careful if using him as a practical reference so to speak, but overall he is an excellent reference.


I love Pendell's writing style; he blends science, history and personal experience in a most engaging way.

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Thanks, everyone, for the input. I really am torn between the new Schulke book and the Pharmako trilogy. I'm leaning toward Pendell because it seems like a good foundational text to start my collection with. Eventually I am going to get the Rätsche (Encyclopedia of Psychoactive plants) one too but for now it's out of my budget :(

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