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Antichrist (as in the movie)


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Has anyone seen "Antichrist" starring Willem Dafoe and Charlotte Gainsbourg? What'd you think?


I recently re-watched it, remembering how nebulous the meaning of the film (Lars Von Trier can be weird like that) was and the thematic connection/references to witches in it. I thought I would recommend this at times visually stunning film for the not-feint-of-heart horror watchers amongst us, and to see if anyone else saw it and was as stunned/weirded by it as I was.



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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest copperhedge


As a hardened horror/scifi fanatic i am not squeamish but there are things in this film that still haunt me! Even more so than the Human Centipede!




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Jesus! I just read a plot summary of this film on Wikipedia. Just that alone is going to give me nightmares. I never want to see this film at all! Blurgh

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I watched the film and it doesn't have that much of an impact on me; I read the synopsis before hand and knew that there were a few parts that I might want to avoid, but honestly it was so tame compared to what I was expecting (I was thinking along the Saw films in terms of gore - but I did wince a little as she drilled through his leg). Some of the visuals are stunning, but the film was considerably slow and dull for me, I don't think the plot was brilliant either (a good idea with some interesting views perhaps, but how it was done just made me want to turn it off in boredom). Although I jumped twice in the film; once when the man found the fox and a second time when the woman attacked her husband in the shed.


Now I don't mind films that use lots of gore ridiculously (Kill Bill etc), but I hate modern "horror" (torture) films and ones that are just overly offensive to get a reaction from people ("distasteful" springs to mind - like the Human Centipede 1 & 2).

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It's worth watching it once Mags, so if you have the time go ahead. And yes it isn't like Saw or anything like that; I was expecting it to be a lot more gory and horrible, but then I tend to have an over-active imagination and think of the worst. The director himself said that it isn't necessarily a horror movie, but more of a tale influenced by the horror genre. I would've actually liked to watch the original script he came up with (that Satan had created the world instead of God) but he refused to after someone talked about it in an earlier interview, hence he rewrote the script which was produced into the current film.

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I was thinking along the Saw films in terms of gore - but I did wince a little as she drilled through his leg


I find the Saw movies incredibly dull to be honest, same with the Hostel series. I don't see the point of them. If I want gore I go old school and head toward Jason X or if I want a laugh with my gore - Freddy vs Jason.


Antichrist was visually stunning but I also found it quite boring. It was on one of the movie channels on our cable so I was flicking between that and something infinitely more interesting at the time.

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  • 9 months later...

I would love to have had access to the female character's book research. Did you see the room with her book 'Gynocide' and all the yummy bits of cuttings she'd gathered? I actually liked the feel of the movie; it felt like a genuine Nature and Female sense of grass roots witchcraft.


Discussing he movie with some other friends, we did come to the conclusion that Willem Dafoe used a 'stunt' willy! It was a very nice one.

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I just got finished watching the Antichrist it had a few interesting pieces but on the whole I found in a bit dull and slow moving. It was worth watching but I won't be watching it again...:popcorn: It did cause me to jump a couple of times. lol

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