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Witchy Goats Take Wales


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With people off the streets the goats have come out.

Though it's hard to say what they think of the wool shop, they're stopping by the local witch store before riding hedges.

Turns out goats are not only adorable floofs but are also witches! Who knew?  :pumpkin: 
They have long hair, are laying around in parks and causing nuisance, like trespassing, parking in the reverend's spot and pulling up the church's greenery. I think we can be proud to call these goats among our flock.





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No , I read that the goats just wandered down from the hills; per the article in The NY Times, because there are no people/ traffic around to intimidate them. Hopefully they will go back up in the hills when (if) we ever get back outside.

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I read these articles on the dreaded Facebook... Thought it was brilliant. Lots of wildlife polling up now people are locked up. Goes to show how just our presence alone affects them without having to even do the rest of the damaging things some muggles do.


Speaking of wildlife, I need more bird feeders. I love wi!d animals, even the rats are welcome providing they aren't in an army.

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