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Did *you* know the Human Barbie is actually an astral travel guru from outer space??


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I've seen pics online over the years of a Moldovan woman who altered her body to look like Barbie (despite previously claiming she simply attained her looks through "good genes, eating right and exercising" with no plastic surgery aside from her boob job), but until today, I had no idea that she was actually a psychic and a Spiritual Guru™, and an instructor at the School of Out-of-Body Travel. :party9:

Here's a video about "Space Barbie" doing some of her rituals for your enlightenment:


And here's a pic of Guru Barbie:


oh, and I almost forgot! She used to be a "teenage witch who practiced Dark Magic" - http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-3680542/Human-Barbie-reveals-secret-past-teenage-witch.html 


Edited by IslandBruja
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:yuck:  :vomit:


I know, right?  :P_witch:  Did you actually watch the video, or did you just look at the pic?

(The video is made by Vice and thus, is definitely an interesting production and not fawning all over her... which is why I posted this in the "Humour" section - It really is funny!  :cool_witch: )

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